Posts tagged ‘Contact’

December 11, 2013

Not AT ALL what I expected

A cut off scene  - Holiday work party at a chic country club

A cut off scene – Holiday work party at a chic country club on December 11

On Wed. December 11, in the early evening, while still at work, I received a 3-part text from Bob. I always know these “3-parters” are something of extreme interest, because not only is Bob sending me something rather lengthy, but he’s sending it as a text rather than an email, meaning he wants me to see it right away. I guess I have to explain here that I have not entered the world of “Smart phones”, and my phone is rather dumb. Dumb doesn’t even begin to describe it, but that is another story. People laugh at my phone, I, on the other hand, am quite proud of it. It works, which is more than I can say for the people around me whining about their so-called “smart” phones. This particular text that was coming through, because of its length, I expected to be the fall-out from what had gone on the prior day with Frank.

Red and Frank. Quite a handsome dog he was. I wish it had turned out differently.

Red and Frank. Quite a handsome dog he was. I wish it had turned out differently.

So “part one” came in at 5:23 PM. (I’ve combined the 3 parts here for readability): “Niko just had a white bird encounter coupled with lights in the apartment, and as I am writing this, drums and rattles just started. Going to go take care of lights now. Drums are right above us. We are in stove room. Bird is huge. Landed on rock in creek. Niko sat and put his head down and listened. Drums are right above us in the bedroom, rattles all around. Really weird. Niko and Red keep looking up. Niko whining. Have fun at party.”

Here, Bob is talking about our office holiday party, which was being held this night, Wed., Dec. 11. I am winding up my work-night early, getting ready to drive to the party venue, which starts at 6:30 PM.

Me, back to Bob, at 5:31 PM: “Wow, what do u think it all means?”

I don’t hear back from Bob right away, so at 5:38 PM, I text back to him: “Any more happening?”

Bob, 5:46 PM: “How much more would you like?!! If you were here you would think that enough. Just finished turning lights off, as I walked downstairs, loud drum beats, lights back on.”

(This was in the apartment, as he was going downstairs and leaving, the lights came back on again, while he was there. Not the first time for this.)

By now it was time for me to get going to the company “Holiday” party. When I arrived at this chic country club that was all “decked out” for Christmas, I ducked first into the restroom, and texted this to Bob at 6:26 PM: “Do u sense unhappiness? Were they looking for Frank do you think?”

Bob 6:27 PM: “No, I think it is about Niko.”

Niko in the yard, charging after Frank. I was trying to be "detached and casual" just shooting pictures. Almost lost my camera in the process.

Niko in the yard, charging after Frank. I was trying to be “detached and casual” just shooting pictures. Almost lost my camera in the process.

But by now I had to enter “party mode”, and more or less forget this whole crazy thing going on at the house, but it was in the back of my mind all night. What was going on? What was the message? Were they concerned about Frank? Mad at me? Concerned for Niko? I could only hope that the concern was for Niko, because for sure, the day before, I had felt terrible for what Niko had had to go through. Bob says he never witnessed that behavior between Frank and Niko;  I think it was just escalating, and I think also that Frank had some kind of issue with me as well, otherwise, why would he have turned on me like he had? Niko was trying to protect me, it seems, and was taking a beating for doing so.

I excitedly drove home from the party hoping that somehow, something was revealed. I was not to be disappointed. I will describe (and have a picture of) what I found in the next post.

April 8, 2013

Bob receives an email from “Beyond”

An unexplained phone call and email from a woman that passed away more than two months ago.

An unexplained phone call and email from a woman that passed away more than two months ago.

April 5, 2013: Another event happened to Bob that I have begun to relate to Bob’s being in touch with,  for lack of any better description, “other worlds”. This happened after work on April 5, and began with a phone call. Bob was home, out in the office on his exercise machine. He stepped out of the office as he finished exercising, and his cell phone was ringing. It was just after 5 PM. It was a local area code, so he answered it; he would not have if it had been a toll free number. It was a woman, “Kathryn”, from one of the companies that the business Bob runs used to do parts for. She was calling for a follow-up on a quote, she needed more info on the specifications. Bob said “Okay, would Monday do; just send me a reminder email so I don’t forget Monday”. She said okay and they hung up. Bob thought no more of it. Then that Monday, April 8th, he had the email reminder and did the specs, and emailed them back to her. There is an email still saved in Bob’s saved mail files of this. Wednesday, he gets a call from someone else in the company, “Matt”. Matt wanted to talk about the specs. Bob said he assumed he meant what Kathryn had asked him about on Friday. After he said this, there was a long pause. Long enough that Bob thought he had lost the connection. But then Matt asks,

Who asked you on Friday?”

Bob replied “Kathryn. She called Friday, late, maybe 5-ish, and asked about what you’re asking me now, At least I assume it is the same parts. Then she emailed me and I sent her an email back with the info and now you’re calling me. Are we talking about the same parts?”

“Well…” Matt replies, then there is another long pause.

He continues, awkwardly, “The thing is… Kathryn is no longer with us.”

Bob assumes Matt means she doesn’t work there anymore.

“No”, Matt says, “She’s no longer with us.  She passed away. It was a little more than two months ago.” Another long pause. Then Matt asks, “Can you forward me that email?”

“Sure”, Bob promises, and he does. Matt is more than a little perturbed. My guess about this in our world the way it’s been? Overlapping time frames – in one scenario, Kathryn is still alive and working at the same place, and carrying out her work-day business as usual. And in the other – she died. They crossed over and conflicted. Bob is involved in many of these odd occurrences now that he’s had the Nuttah exposure and is a regular time traveler. Remember our cross-over family, the people that live in our house but in a different time-frame? Bob is often reminded of this too. We hear them knocking around, and Bob has seen and felt them. How odd though, and imagine what poor Matt is thinking. Obviously Bob can’t elaborate with Matt about any of this, just like he couldn’t let his old middle school girlfriend in on what she’d been having visions about. That was a January post titled “A Person From Bob’s Past Wonders if He’s in Danger“.

October 6, 2012

A visitor again from the “overlap” family

Parallel Worlds

There could be an infinite number of parallel worlds – pretty cool pic if you click to see the full-size version – borrowed from the site it links to

Remember, on occasion, I have talked about the fact that we think the activity with Nuttah in our house has somehow opened up another “portal” perhaps, where a different parallel world (different from Nuttah’s) sometimes “bleeds” through to us. Maybe we do to them too — and they wonder who are these people in their house? This is why I’ve titled the blog “WHOSE time is it?” Simply because do we really necessarily know that it is OUR time? There appear to be various worlds, scenarios, timelines, lives, whatever you want to call it — overlapping and existing concurrently. We get back always to that incredibly confusing idea that is difficult to grasp at best: That all time is present, and all time occurs simultaneously. Whatever, my mind just bogs down every time I try to conceive that idea. Three years into documenting all this, and I only feel stupider. It is humbling to the nth degree to be presented with these ideas and events constantly and to have absolutely no idea what’s going on.

Bob wrote me this email on October 4th: On a different note, the past few days whenever I get in the shower I have this thought, “I am really going to miss this”. It is very strange, certainly hope it does not portend something. Just a very strange thought, like an inevitability.

Bob’s sodden thoughts like that have some significance that I don’t like to ignore, because of his exposure to the “other worlds”. But what do they really mean?

And then this from Bob on October 5th: I was standing at [the kitchen] counter waiting for water to boil when a sleepy sounding woman said ” Don’t forget to take your potato(?) (something, I can’t remember, it wasn’t a familiar word) with you”. I was hesitant to turn around because I knew it wasn’t you, but I did and I saw nothing. And then there was nothing else. Interesting start to morning though. I’ve been wondering about where that stuff went, maybe it is starting up again.

Me: So this incident with the sleepy sounding woman, it was not Nuttah or anyone from her world? It was from the overlap family? Was it really audible, in an absolute kind of way?

Bob: The voice was completely audible and directly behind me. It is, I believe the overlap family.

Bob is right, that stuff hasn’t happened in quite some time. What might have made it start up again? But then I was reminded of an incident that I had not too many days before this event of Bob’s, so I looked up my emails. On September 27th, I had written this to Bob:

During the night I heard a distinct door slam hard in the house. Don’t know why I wasn’t unnerved by it. I think because I had tried so hard and for so long to fall back to sleep.

Kind of weird when you’re not disturbed much by this stuff anymore.

March 17, 2012

The first appearance of “The Evil One”

And then we move on to something very different that started happening in early March. That was the first inkling of it, and these events actually caused me to just stop writing about it. A couple of reasons: I’ve already mentioned the time factor, and I won’t belabor that point, however, it was (is) a factor. Part of that though, is just Bob and me taking more time to enjoy ourselves together. It is not, by any means, all work and no play. (Though sometimes it feels like that and I think just about any working person could relate) But the other reason, and perhaps even more prevalent, was I just didn’t want to bring any more attention to something so odd and potentially evil, as if to do that would make it real, or even worse, make it happen. Up to that point, more than 2 years into our “events”, we’d really been dealing mostly with Nuttah, and people or animals that she introduced. This one, fortunately, seemed completely disconnected from Nuttah.  It started with a dream Bob had on March 14, 2012:

Bob writes me this email on March 14, 6:30 AM

I had the most bizarre dream last night during my tortured sleep. There was this guy that looked like he might have been Vietnamese, a real wise ass; he was sent on a mission to kill me in all of my “lives”, nice guy. His first attempt in this one failed, I think he was successful in others. After he failed (tried to shoot me with high powered rifle), he confronted me and said he would succeed. He was a real asshole. He pissed me off, I’ll keep description of dream short, I decided I would turn the table on him and go after him. I ended up finding him as he thought he was following me and beat him to death with his rifle butt. Alarm was going off as I was putting the rifle down beside him. He was a real asshole. Really weird dream. Heard loud bass drum and rattle while struggling to go to sleep last night.

Me, 3/14 at 9 AM:  That dream was weird. I hope that it was not prophetic. You seem to be getting all these warnings. Then there is the faction that is working to warn you and keep you alive, perhaps against the one that is trying to kill you in all of your lives. Stranger than fiction. Make sure Paulo [person at Bob’s work] doesn’t also have it in for you, did he look like the wise-ass? I’d be curious if the woman upstairs has something to tell you today.

Of course we wondered if this dream was just a random dream or was it related to our “events”?

Sprigs of early Snowdrops appear on my keyboard on March 17

Then on Saturday, March 17th, I came into my office to find flowers lying wilting on my keyboard. These are the first of the early spring flowers, and since we had such an unusually warm winter, I think they popped out even earlier this year. They are the Snow Drops. Then, the same day, Bob reports having contact with Nuttah while he is building the fire that morning. He says it is just concern and “nuxa”? I have to look this up from the early days – Bob says he hasn’t heard it in a long time. (It means “Father”). While I was out the morning of the 17th, I took the foggy picture below,  and also returned with some flowers which I  put in a small glass in front of Nuttah on our dresser. Later when I checked, the flowers were gone.

A picture taken in the fog of March 17, 2012

April 19, 2011

Event #208: April 19-20, 2011

April 19: When Bob called me at work tonight, he reported Joe being all out of sorts. So when I got home, I did my usual ‘look-around’, and the only change I noticed had to do with the Oaxacan rabbit on the shelf over our mirror in the bathroom. It is no longer leaning over the mirror cabinet looking down, but standing straight up. I did ask Bob about it later, and he said he didn’t do it.

Then Wednesday evening, April 20th, when Bob and I were talking on the phone, he reported that at that moment, and for a good 2 hours of the evening, Nuttah had been with him:
“She’s been around quite awhile; the last couple of hours, in fact.”
“Is she still there?” I asked.
“Yeah.” was Bob’s reply.
“How about Joe? How’s he dealing with it?” I wondered.
“He’s a little weirded-out, but nothing really out of the ordinary – he’s just ‘Joe’ “, was Bob’s reply. “He’s not really even reacting to her.”
“And she’s right there?” I wondered.
“Yeah – she’s either sitting or standing right next to the bed”. Bob said. “She’s been here most of the evening”, Bob continued.
“Was she downstairs, and outside with you?” I wondered.
“Yeah – just being there… being happy to be there. The message coming across seems to be… ‘Appreciate what you have while you have it.’ ”
“How is she getting that across?” I asked.
“I don’t know”, Bob responded. “It’s just…  conveyed, somehow. I’m given an overwhelming sense of it just being ‘gone’ in a moment”.
“Are there any ‘changes’ in the room?” I wondered.
“No.” Bob said, “But that stuff isn’t important to me. Just that she’s here is what’s important. Joe is staring up like she’s standing here next to the bed.”

Then Bob reiterated what had occurred a couple nights before:
“That was pretty wild, how Joe just leaped into the air; at least 3 ft above the bed.” Bob remembered.
“That is pretty high…” I mused. “It’s like a cat on springs! Where was the ‘Whoosh-guy’?” I then asked.
“I don’t know, I can’t tell, he just ‘WHOOSHED’ by as I was laying here in bed. Joe had just settled himself down between our pillows, like he does every night. I had almost drifted off, and all of a sudden there was this feeling of the ‘WHOOSH’… and Joe was so freaked out that he shot up in the air.”
I then wondered, and I’ve thought of this before: “Do you think the presence of Nuttah has opened a ‘pathway’ of some sort, a ‘portal’, as it were, and brought other stuff in with her? And that’s what this ‘whoosh’ is?”
Bob responded: “That’s what I was thinking… an avenue for something else to follow… but I also believe that if it was possible for her to stop something bad, she would not let it happen.”
“Did she indicate if she got my gifts?” I wondered.
“What did you give her?” Bob asked.
“I left her some flower buds in the office.” I responded.
“She didn’t really say…” was Bob’s response.

This conversation had taken place while I was still at work, so when I got home, I checked around and found at least six changes, all in the bedroom:

1. The heart-turtle necklace is ‘shaped up’ back into a heart shape
2. The wooden turtle is open
3. Bob’s stone is stood up against the wolves
4. The owl is turned to face the bed.
5. The egg and the eagle are moved – the eagle is over with the array of farm animals.
6. On my bedside table is a heart-stone with the tiny little (evening primrose?) flower bud on top of it.

Don’t think I’ll have time for all the pictures in the morning, so I’m recording it in writing now in case anything moves before Friday morning, which will be the first chance that I’ll have to address it.

I confess, as of this actual date of publishing, it is now May 3rd, and I’m slipping behind again. What a busy spring it has been so far. But events are still happening, and I have about 4 more to record before I am caught up… pictures to add, etc. So stay tuned please.

April 5, 2011

Event #203: Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Email Bob wrote of Tues. April 5th,  morning:
BtW, had a strong sense of activity, or at least presence a little after 9 when I was about to fall asleep. Definitely Nuttah and, I think, the pups, but not sure, it wasn’t the same as the “presence” that has been stopping in, or I could have just been in a somnolent state and it was nothing.

Me: Well, considering the wolves were rearranged on the dresser, it’s pretty clear your senses were correct. Also, your stone comes into play there too, it is arranged inside the heart-turtle necklace she had pointing at you before. And then there is Joe’s behavior, so she and the wolves must have been there before you came up. I didn’t see anything else out of place.

Then tonight, April 5, 2011, this is an excerpt of Bob’s email:

Nuttah has re-arranged us like this - she no longer leans against 'me'; a heart points at each of us

I was sitting outside with the puppies having a brew, and had just finished talking to Kate on the phone. Just after hanging up and just sitting with the pups drinking a Double Dog watching the water, I suddenly was in a tunnel of light, then, just as suddenly in the sweat lodge/hut. The elder gents are there and looking very earnest, just got a severe chill writing this.

Bob was then given a “vision” of how “we” – he and I – were THEN. Then, as soon as that vision was gone, he was shown us as we are now:
“Sitting in the creek on chairs having a brew, with a definite connection to each other and the water, and just as I had a thought about not being as happy as we/they were I was told it was because we have lost our way but we are on the correct trail now, not to lose sight, not to give up, to have a sense of urgency, this may end in an instant. Enjoy each other while you are together. That is it, I was back with the pups on the deck. Scared out of my mind. I love you Wup An’na

Now me narrating again: When I got home, there was again a buzz in the driveway and a re-arrangement of my character with Nuttah in the office. She is no longer leaning against me, but standing straight up and a heart points at me, and one at her. I’ve included a picture of this to the right.

March 31, 2011

Event #201: Wednesday night, March 30, 2011

The bud has blossomed, and tonight there is also a heart-charm in front of the flowers

When I came in Wed. night from work, it was just after 10. I heard the ‘buzz’ entering the house again. I had an odd feeling too, this new twist has both of us a bit spooked in the dark. Instead of going right upstairs like I usually do, I went into the office with the day’s mail. The ‘Lesser Celandine’ buds on my desk have opened, and sit in a small cup of water. Since March 10, my character, along with Nuttah’s have sat on a shelf to my right in the same position she left us (picture was in the 3/10 post) with the 2 hearts pointing at us. Now, the small silver heart-charm was positioned in front of the celandine flowers, and pointing towards where I would sit at the computer. I have included a picture to the right. After I stopped in here, I went upstairs. I had a momentary start when I first opened the door to our downstairs living room; Joe was standing on the chair, and fairly launched himself at me with a giant, plaintive yowl. Spooked me too, he is not usually downstairs when I arrive. He was scared out of his mind. He didn’t even want to follow me upstairs, I had to encourage him. I had chills walking up the steps, not sure why. Bob was comfortably asleep, and there was nothing amiss in the room. I went down later (brought Joe over with me, as he was still all out of sorts) and wrote Bob an email about what I’d come home to, just in case he’d had any experience as well:

Me: “The flower buds that I have blooming in the office here tonight have a silver heart pointing from them to me… also, Joe was really FREAKED when I came in tonight – he was downstairs on one of the chairs, and gave me a start when I walked in down there — he yowled and then jumped, seemed like he didn’t want to go upstairs. There was a buzz as well, from the driveway on in to the house.”

Bob: “As soon as I hung up with you I started scanning channels, stopped on the history channel, they were doing one of the ancient aliens/UFO shows, this one seemed to have much more current events and not only alien stuff. Two items got my attention and in each instance Nuttah made herself obvious, first was about an incident at a base in Europe that I have heard about many times with the difference now being the guys involved are talking about it and they kept journals because it changed their lives. One thing that stuck out was that the one guy went up and put his hands on the craft, when he did he was instantly given patterns of information, he has been trying to record them ever since, very similar to what I got a glimpse of, I think, he was able to maintain that image like a picture in his mind, some of it in binary code which can be translated. Second was about an Indian mathematician from the early 20th century that provided the theorems for string theory and other advanced theories in physics. He is one of the great mathematicians of the past 200 years. He claims he was provided with the theorems by a woman while in a “dream like” state, but not quite a dream. Hmmm, not comparing myself to him by any stretch, but it sounded very similar too my “dreams”. Who knows.

The other “person” was there last night with Nuttah and without, odd sense when he/she/it is there, Joe seems fine when I am there with him, maybe when I am asleep he is less comfortable with having company, he may be unsure of his hosting ability. He is a cat.
The information thing is kind of intriguing to me. Didn’t feel the sense of unease this time at least, still odd though, apparently we can’t say the same thing for Joe T. Cat.
I am trying to understand why, have been for awhile, I can sense and get communication and others can’t. When I was watching the segnent on the ufo/information transfer they talked about just that. What they said, and it is something I have thought about, is the frequency they are tuned to, like a radio tuned to a certain station, nothing special about them, just happen to be tuned to the station.”

Me: “This is very interesting… and how did Nuttah make herself obvious? What sense do you have of the other being? Joe apparently doesn’t like “it” either — this is about the 3rd time in 2 weeks or so that I’ve been greeted by him when I come in downstairs, and that is very unusual, he is almost always on the bed with you. Also, do we know how that binary code was translated? I am apparently not on the frequency at all. I “hear” stuff, but haven’t been able to pick it up any other way. I try though. Pretty dreary out today.”
Bob:  I sense her as I used to, but sometimes it is like being pushed or directed.
March 23, 2011

Event #196: March 23, 2011

Wednesday night at work, Bob and I had this discussion. I was scrawling notes while we talked, but this discussion was about the previous evening:
Bob: “She was here at 10 pm. And so was somebody else. I don’t who it is — or what it is.  Some thing or someone else. And I don’t feel real at ease with ‘it’. First there was that time Sunday night on the stairs, then last night. She seems fine, so that keeps me a little bit calm about it. I really don’t think that she would do anything to harm anyone.

Me: Is it a person?

Bob: I don’t know.

Me: Is there any communication?

Bob: No. Just like someone or something standing there.

Me: And you woke up to this? ‘Cause you said it was 10 pm.

Bob: Yeah, it was 10 something… maybe after 10.

Me: I got home a bit after 10, and when I turned off my engine, I could hear the buzz in the driveway. Often this past week, when I pull in, I’ll turn off the truck, I open the door… and if I just sit there quiet for a second, I can sometimes hear it. Sometimes it follows me in the house. It’s like she’s greeting me, or something. But, are you getting anything different from her, some different feeling?

Bob:  No, everything seems the same with her.

Me: Well, is it at least better than before, when she left angry back in January?

Bob: It’s not quite the same as it was before that incident. It’s better, but it’s not the same as before she determined that our lives were really ‘hurtin’.

Me: huh.

I got home that night also a little after 10. I heard the sound in the driveway again. But something was different. I was greeted downstairs by Joe, yowling plaintively. Bob was upstairs asleep as usual, but Joe is usually asleep with him. Joe will often jump up out of the bed to follow me into the bathroom, and want me to pet him and greet him, but it is extremely rare for him to greet me downstairs. And seemingly so disturbed. I had a really weird feeling as I climbed the stairs with Joe behind me, up to the bedroom. I had chills as I got closer to the top. I was thinking about Bob’s incident on Sunday, when a “whoosh” went past him and nearly turned him around on the stairs. I didn’t have that effect, but I did have a serious case of the heebie-jeebies as I went up, and it didn’t go away until I checked around the room, and everything seemed to be in order. I had misgivings about sitting downstairs in my office alone in the front of the house, far away from the bedroom, and Stewie was not home. I did it anyway, but I had misgivings about it. I felt the same way the next night. Bob didn’t describe that weird encounter again, but two nights in a row, Joe met me downstairs when I came home, yowling and discontent. Since Sunday night though, when I described the four new changes on the dresser, nothing else has moved.

March 19, 2011

Event #194: Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bob came into the office behind me stating the following:

“Patterns of information”.
“What is that?” I wondered.
“It’s how she transmits information to me, it’s how I am able to ‘get it’.” Bob said.
And he continued, “Those are my words for it, but all there really is, is all these strings; running patterns, very basic patterns of information. It was just a flash, but it contains everything. I guess the best thing you can compare it to is like primary colors: Red, Yellow, Blue. All colors can be made from just the 3 colors, and I guess it’s like that. So there are just these primary strings or ‘patterns of information’ and all information can be created from these primary patterns. They’re complex looking to me, but simple I guess. It’s almost like computer code, or similar to that code in ‘Matrix’ but it’s in colors and it has a pattern and there are sequences of information, maybe almost like geometric figures, but it went by too fast for me to really grasp it.”

I asked Bob, “So what do you think you were looking at?”
“I don’t know — how do you describe something you have no frame of reference for?” Bob wondered.
“Well, what is the question she is answering with this ‘flash’ of information?” I asked.
“I wondered in my head how she is able to communicate with me so that I can understand, and how does she understand our language and our symbology? Like the heart thing. That’s not a heart, it’s our symbol for ‘love’, and that was one of the first things that she figured out. That really makes it even less likely that this is all real, rather than a matrix or a game.” Bob said.

I wondered, “So does she tap into a universal information database, that is universally available?
“It’s all present, it’s all happening right now. How do you reconcile that all of our moments are recorded?” Bob wondered.
“I can’t.” was my response.
“So all time is present. I had a brief flash of it, and I don’t really know what I was seeing, but it was the way that she is able to communicate and understand, through these patterns. We are too hard-wired to this reality, and we don’t have the mental power to see outside of it. What sense does it make that the Higgs-Boson Singlet can go back and forth to the past and transmit information? Or to the future or to now?” Bob exclaimed.

“So others have conceieved of this possibility and are experimenting with ways to make it happen.”, me stating the obvious to try to get my brain around it.
“Yeah, and the Hadron Collider – the most complex machine ever built.”

Later on Saturday, there was another slight change. The Maya Civilization book, which still sat on the rocking chair, was now opened. I checked the page numbers it was left open to: 166-167. I had to ask Bob if he had done this, he said no. Bob picked it up and read the pages that the book was opened to. He said that it had to with war and the politics of the era. I thought it might be because of Libya and what was going on today, but Bob says no, something more sinister and something having to do with her in her time.

January 10, 2011

Event #170: Monday, January 10, 2011

Over the weekend, after that Saturday morning incident with Bob, there were no new movements on the dresser or anywhere else. I did record in my notes that just about every time I entered the bedroom, I strongly heard “the hum”.  Remember, I’m still back-posting; at this point I am still not caught up, as the current actual date of today is Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. I do hope to be caught up by the end of February, and then you, my blog readers, will be treated to events almost as soon as they happen, such as they do continue to happen.

Then Monday morning, I got this email from Bob:

I know Nuttah was downstairs this morning when I was leaving, no “conversation”, just [that she was] there. I feel somewhat awkward now since the weekend, I know we have created a hurtin society but it is pretty hard to not be part of it. I feel like she is disappointed in me, but I don’t know if I can change that. Keep fire going in back if you can.

I did keep the fires going. Later, I noticed that on our dresser, it seemed as if our characters are all moved in a little tighter to Nuttah. Then tonight, I had a major buzz in the ear, like I’ve not heard in awhile.

Tuesday night, I noticed some definite changes in “my” arrangement on the dresser, which I had recorded at the end of the last post, just so I knew how things “stood”. Now Kate is moved in closer to us, and “we” are closed in tight to Nuttah. It is snowing tonight. I have a minor, distant buzz in the ear, as if she is far away.